
Welcome to the Artificial Intelligence Diversity Council AIDC, where innovation meets inclusion. At AIDC, we are dedicated to cultivating a dynamic and diverse landscape within the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our commitment extends beyond technological advancements to embrace the rich tapestry of perspectives that drive progress.


AIDC’s mission is to be a catalyst for positive change in the field of AI by championing diversity and inclusion. We strive to create an environment where individuals from varied backgrounds can thrive, collaborate, and contribute to the evolution of AI. Through strategic initiatives and partnerships, we aim to empower the AI community to harness the full spectrum of talent and ideas.

Join us on this transformative journey as we shape the future of AI, one that is inclusive, innovative, and reflective of the global community. Together, let’s build a future where diversity is not just recognized but celebrated as a fundamental driver of AI excellence.


Our vision is an inclusive & diverse workforce that reflects the demographics of our country.